Member Spotlight - Nette Stokes

We are delighted to spotlight Nette Stokes, Founder and Executive Director of JustLiving Advocacy, Inc. BLK ED Network had the opportunity to interview her and learn more about her journey.

Nette is a dedicated Black Nonprofit Executive Director who has devoted her career to improving the quality of life for impoverished single parents and their children.

Her organization provides sustainable resources to help these families become economically self-sufficient and improve their health and educational outcomes. Nette's commitment to her cause has greatly influenced the families she helps. We are proud to recognize her as a member of the BLK ED Network, and we anticipate her continued success in nonprofit work. 


Question: What inspired you to start JustLiving Advocacy, Inc., and how did you get started as an Executive Director? 

Nette: I was inspired to pursue my passion and cause the nonprofit sector to provide a benefit to the public and to be an effective vehicle for women and children by providing them with a relative source of power to level-up themselves to thrive. I founded the organization and accepted the role as Executive Director to lead the organization to strengthen families through our family stabilization services. 

Question: What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced as a Black Nonprofit Executive Director, and how have you overcome them? 

Nette: There are many large and small unique challenges that many Black Nonprofit Executives face, including me. Black ED's face well-known challenges of inequities in funding, support from peers and groups, even though our organizations are addressing community needs. The best way to overcome some of the challenges faced is to continue to persevere by moving forward and be your unstoppable self and do the best you can with what you have. Look at the difference and impact that you are making in the lives of families, where they are presented with the opportunities to thrive. Sometimes knowing that you are making a difference in the lives of others is to know that they know you are genuinely there for them. 

Question: What are some of your proudest accomplishments as the Executive Director of JustLiving Advocacy, Inc., and how have they impacted your community and organization?

Nette: My proudest moment/accomplishment is when I received my 1st 'thank you' from a single mother. She didn't say it with words - she said it with a hug and tears. It was at that moment; I knew I was doing something right with our services. The power in her non-verbal speech, spoke volumes of her gratitude. The impact of our organization's mission and services in the community is to help as many families as possible with collective partners and we feel that we have created spaces where whole families begin to thrive.

Question: What advice do you have for other Black Executive Directors who are just starting their nonprofit or facing challenges in their roles? 

Nette: Be patient, continue to believe in your purpose, deliver your passion for your cause, expand your connections and grab hold of the hands of others that truly want to support you on your journey. 

Question: What are your future goals and aspirations for your career and your organization, and how do you plan to achieve them? 

Nette: My goal for the organization is to continue to be a voice for the voiceless, the underserved, marginalized single-parent families, and for single mothers that are suffering in silence to know that no family walks alone in their time of crisis. The best way to achieve this is through collaborations and partnerships with the community, businesses, and other organizations.

Question: How has being a member of BLK ED Network impacted your organization, and what are some benefits you've experienced from being part of this community? 

Nette: Being a member of the BLK ED Network has contributed to strengthening the staff leadership skills and strengthening the organization's will tools and resources in navigating our mission to the people and communities we serve.


At BLK ED Network, we are dedicated to giving our members every opportunity to showcase their accomplishments and progress. One of the ways we do this is by providing members with a personal spotlight in our weekly and quarterly newsletters.


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